Life Insurance and Sleep Apnea

Life Insurance and Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a chronic disorder where breathing stops and starts during sleep. It leads to snoring, fatigue and interruptions of oxygen flowing through the body. The disruptions occur during night time and can cause daytime drowsiness. One in fifteen people in the United States experience sleep apnea. When dealing with health conditions, many individuals have a need for multiple funding sources. Life insurance policies have become valuable financial resources for maintaining a standard of life.

The need for life insurance varies with age, responsibilities and health conditions. The purpose of insurance policies is to help families manage through hardships by providing financial assistance. The terms and conditions of the policy determine the benefit amounts and distributions. In the event of illness, the insured may be able to draw against the face value of the policy. In this case, the insurer becomes the beneficiary. There are instances, when the primary health carrier denies a medical claim. The policy can function as secondary financial health coverage.

Getting approved for coverage is challenging, especially with existing health conditions like sleep apnea. The application for eligibility is evaluated by underwriters for insurance coverage. They set the premiums and ratings for the policy. The ratings are based on expected expenses due to medical conditions and family history. Pre-existing conditions may qualify an individual for full benefits with higher premiums. The insurance company may limit the coverage amounts, or issue policy restrictions. Other options may include a separate rider or limited time for coverage. It’s best to speak with an experienced agent, knowledgeable about your health condition. They can suggest options available for obtaining insurance coverage.

There are several factors that affect the acceptance and value of a life insurance policy. They range from age at the time of diagnosis, current general health and forms of treatment. Considerations are also given to the condition’s clinical level. The precautions are due to the increased severity of conditions related to sleep apnea. Treatments in most cases are critical to managing this disorder.

Failure to maintain the prescribed treatments have serious consequences for insurance coverage. Keep in mind the insurance policy is governed by terms and conditions. Any default or lack of fulfillment by the insured is subject to increased premiums. The possibility of acceptance for coverage increases when sleep apnea conditions are treated.

Before seeking insurance, make sure your medical records document all tests, analysis and results. Because the underwriter uses the information to develop the policy limits incorrect information can be grounds for denial. Any information withheld may cause the cancellation or a claim denial against the policy. It’s no secret sleep apnea insurance inquiries need full disclosure to ensure adequate coverage.



Insurance companies request sleep tests for monitoring respiratory patterns, chest muscle activity and oxygenation.

Most of the medical documentation comes from the doctor as a professional expert. Records include information on treatments, frequency and equipment used to treat the condition. They usually ask for authorizations to speak with medical providers and care takers.

Each of these components help to determine the cost of the insurance premium. Conditions ranging from mild to moderate and under treatment may qualify for insurance. Premiums rates also consider the level of potential future risks. Insurance assessment classifications without serious health risks are known as preferred or standard. The preferred plus is a rating known for offering lower premiums.

The insurance industry uses data and statistics to support the applicant’s determinations. It’s important to provide accurate information about all health conditions for desired results. Underwriters have a clear set of circumstances outlined for coverage of sleep apnea. The next course of action is organizing the information with a composed summary. During the assessment your agent can communicate with the underwriter to clarify any questions.

Health Risks

There are three types of sleep apnea. The most common type is known as Obstructive associated with the throat muscles relaxing. Central occurs when the brain fails to send signals to control breathing. And Complex is a combination of both Obstructive and Central. As oxygen levels drop in the blood stream other health disorders are at risk. Hypertension, lung damage, heart problems and an increased lack of concentration are susceptible. Fatigue and overweight are also noticeable with individuals diagnosed with sleep apnea.

This disorder potentially carries serious future risks to insurance coverages. Insurance companies compile a comparison of industry and actual experience of risk ratings. For example, physical motor skills are necessary for operating a vehicle. Industry data for individuals diagnosed with sleep apnea show high accident incidents and injuries. Depending on the individual’s medical history and driving experience ratings could increase premium cost.

Smithfin has access to underwriters with preferred rates based on your medical history. Accurate underwriting and detailed risk assessments help to process approvals for sleep apnea.


In the event the application is denied, the individual can appeal the company’s decision. Before filing the appeals discuss the company’s evaluation with your agent and doctor. Although there are many studies about sleep apnea, there are also many unknowns. Individual circumstances do share similar sleep apnea health disorders, but there are differences. Your condition may have its own unique situation. Your doctor can provide an authoritative response when appealing this decision. Your agent can help interpret the industry’s guidelines for sleep apnea.

If you’ve recently begun treatments your doctor can include detailed information about improvements. These improvements may not have been mentioned in the original application. More important are the medical reviews changing your clinical levels and health risks. The Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine is a form of treatment. imagesUQNRGKIZIt’s also another appeal support response, which may sway the decision. Individuals wear a mask covering both the mouth and nose while sleeping. The mask is connected to a machine that dispenses a continuous air flow into the nasal openings. The air flow keeps the air passages open for normal breathing. There’s also time monitoring device to confirm when the machine is used.

Don’t stress over searching for the right life insurance company by yourself, contact a Smithfin agent for compassionate, attentive help with your search regarding sleep apnea. Fill out the quote form today or call 1-888-409-5115 .

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