No Exam Life Insurance for Overweight People

No Exam Life Insurance for Overweight People

It’s no secret that insurance companies use height and weight ratios to determine how much premium they’re going to charge or to determine if they’re even going to offer life insurance coverage at all. For insurance purposes, When it comes to being overweight , the insurance companies consider many as high risk for a lot of health problems which will lead to early death beyond the normal life expectancy.

When you search for a policy with The Life Insurance Store you can find a no exam life insurance policy that is perfect for those of you that are overweight or one that will require a medical exam.

As you get older you find that it gets harder and harder to shed the pounds; no matter what you try it is almost impossible to get rid of.

There are Pros and cons to anything that you do in life and a no exam life insurance policy is the same.

With The Life Insurance Store, you can easily find and compare life insurance policies quickly. We have insurance companies that may put you in a standard weight after a medical exam.

The Pros and the Cons


The pros are a good reason to want to check out these policies and see what is right for you. Most insurance companies will not even look at you if you are overweight let alone if you do not take some type of medical exam to help prove you are in good health and not a high risk customer. So this no exam life insurance policy is great for those people that may be at risk for health problems. No questions about your health at all.

Besides being overweight, high cholesterol and blood pressure are the most common reasons a policy comes back with a higher premium. If you are concerned about your blood work then paying a few additional dollars won’t hurt you and it will save you time and frustration..
You know you are considered at risk for insurance purposes and at least you are thinking of your loved ones that are going to be left behind and need that extra help when dealing with the finances that come a loss of a loved one. You have to admit that the pitfalls for this no exam are minor when they are compared to the satisfaction and well-being of knowing that your loved ones will be financially secure .

Some of the other great benefits of a no exam policy is that with no required exams the sign up should be fairly fast and easy to do, with a much faster approval time. This is more often than not, done on the same day if not within twenty-four hours of your applying.


Unfortunately, like anything else in life there are some cons as well. The biggest con for anyone is the simple fact that you are a high risk customer and this would obviously mean that your health is not great and you know that you may not be around sometime. So many people will not even bother visiting a doctor voluntarily just to help themselves get healthier.

Some of the other downfalls of the no exam policy is that the cost is going to be quite a bit higher than in a regular policy so if you can afford it and want to avoid the risks of taking an exam then this is a great option for you. While you may actually be completely healthy and choose the no exam option the companies do not know for sure what your health is and to them you are a high risk customer no matter what your actual health may be.

Another big con for this type of policy is that many big companies will push them as an easy sale regardless of the health of the patient and what their needs may be. While you have to take no exam for the policy there are ways that the company can find information about you such as an MIB or Medical Information Bureau. So just because they may not require an exam does not mean that you will be approved right off the bat. The main reason that this is done is to help avoid fraud; you could be denied a policy do to drug or alcohol abuse and the turn around and apply for a no exam policy. If you have even one hit on the MIB search you can get declined even for the no exam policies.

Another way to get information on you is through an RX report; this basically works by checking your pharmacy transactions and seeing what types of medications that you are on. They will be able to see if you are at risk for any serious diseases or other major health problems.

With The Life Insurance Store. you will be able to find a life insurance policy that is just right for your budget and will give you the satisfaction of knowing that you have made sure that your loved ones are taken care. We have experience with both medical and non medical policies. So no matter what your health or your budget needs, we can take care of you and help you save time, money and frustration.

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