Life Insurance – Yes, Being a Good Shopper is Necessary

Life Insurance – Yes, Being a Good Shopper is Necessary

If you’re shopping for a new life insurance policy or looking for a better life insurance rate, the Life Insurance Store can help!

Comparing Life Insurance

Comparing life insurance is really to shop for life insurance: Unless you already have extensive knowledge of various life insurance policies, you should consider several different plans.

Get Multiple Quotes

The fastest and most reliable way to compare life insurance plans is to get multiple quotes from an online referral service. We are your personal shopper as well as your advocate. You will be able to compare life insurance quotes from several different, reputable companies, and you’ll be able to do so from the comfort of your own home. Taking things at your own pace will make you feel confident about your decision.

At a Basic Level

The purpose of life insurance is to replace something of monetary value when someone dies. It is bringing comfort to a loved one that has experienced a terrible loss-You.

U.S. Life Insurance Facts

  • According to LIMRA, which conducted a Life Insurance Ownership Study in 2010, almost 1 out of every 3 U.S. households (35 million) do not have any life insurance at all.
  • The LIMRA study showed that 58 million households, or almost 50%, admitted that they did not have enough life insurance coverage.
  • The study also revealed that on average almost 6,850 Americans die in the U.S. each day and 48% of these people die without any life insurance coverage to protect their families.

What you’re replacing are things like income to your spouse or dependents, protecting a mortgage for those you leave behind, paying off personal or business debts you owe, final expenses like burial and medical costs, or even just resources for your beneficiaries to use at their discretion.

It is to bring peace of mind to you and to those you love.

If one can do that at a price that you can afford then one has accomplished exactly what you are looking -providing for your loved ones after your gone and giving you peace of mind in the process.

What Are Your Life Insurance Options?

In a life insurance policy comparison, you first need to figure out how much life insurance you need to buy. A life insurance policy is good for a determined amount of years if you choose term life insurance. If you don’t die within that period, the policy expires and you have to either renew or buy another policy. Permanent life insurance is another matter altogether, as the higher cost of the premium can keep the policy going for a long time.

Should You Buy Life Insurance Online?

With all of the companies online, it’s easy to get life insurance quotes and buy on the internet through the Life Insurance Store. When an independent life insurance broker, like ourselves, gives you a quote, all the figures are on 1 or 2 pages. As far as possible you are comparing apples to apples, which is at the heart of doing a real comparison.

Whatever your needs in life insurance, you need to compare the same terms. You need to be sure that you are comparing the same elements along with other pertinent facts. But whichever policy or approach you choose, the answer is yes; you need to shop to find the best life insurance.

Term Or Permanent Life Insurance?

Term life insurance is the choice of over 90% of buyers, and that is for a good reason; it is cheaper. But it has an expiration date and does have cash accumulation or certain riders like long term care.

It is not impossible to do a real comparison because our technology at the Life Insurance Store makes it easier to compare.

Get Multiple Quotes

The fastest and most reliable way to compare life insurance plans is to get multiple quotes from an online referral service. We are like your personal shopper as well as your advocate. You will be able to compare life insurance quotes from several different, reputable companies, and you’ll be able to do so from the comfort of your own home. Taking things at your own pace will make you feel confident about your decision.

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