
High blood pressure is a common condition that affects millions of people around the world. It is also one of the risk factors that is often considered by many insurance underwriters when you are applying for a life insurance policy. However, that does not mean...

A diagnosis of cancer is devastating to most, but today many survive cancer and go on to return to their everyday life activities. Surviving cancer generally makes you think about your own mortality, and you will want to plan ahead to feel secure knowing that...

  At The Life Insurance Store, we want you to have peace of mind by building a legacy  that you are providing protection for your loved ones that will create a lasting legacy . Parents want to provide their kids and loved ones with the chance...

We give quotes by age for a reason. Age makes all the difference in Life Insurance. In fact , the month of your Birthday can make all the difference regarding premiums. Our needs in life change as we age. To optimize your Life Insurance as you...

What Factors Affect Life Insurance Premiums for Diabetics? Age when diagnosed Your family health history Your current age Your medical history Type 1 or 2 diabetes Height and weight Your blood sugar levels Your hemoglobin A1C level Your current medications If your blood sugar levels are...

By Bruce Sackrison Like every great invention, life insurance has a history. I’ll highlight parts of that history I find interesting. Maybe you’ll find it interesting too. The early Romans, plumbing and burial clubs The Romans loved to perfect things they borrowed from others. Like plumbing. Many of...

Term life insurance provides death benefit protection for a period of one or more years. The death benefit of the policy is paid only if the insured dies during that period. If the insured lives beyond the term period, no death benefit is paid. Typically,...

Life insurance companies use build charts, or height and weight tables, to help determine someone’s class when anyone applies for a life insurance policy. It sounds simple enough, but it becomes complicated quickly. The complicated part starts with the life insurance companies not using the...

  Why should I buy life insurance? Many financial experts consider life insurance to be the cornerstone of sound financial planning. It can be an important tool in the following situations: Replace income for dependents If people depend on your income, life insurance can replace that income for...